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Minh’s Notes Archives

Atmo for Moz

Well, I’ve finally gotten Adobe® Atmosphere™ to work inside of Mozilla, and I’m so happy. This means I can spend less time each day on Micro$haft Internal €xploder (sorry, couldn’t resist) and spend more time each day on my beloved Mozilla installation. If you use Mozilla and would like to get Atmosphere to work in it:

  1. Go to Start | Find | Files or Folders….
  2. Search for files named Atmosphere.dll.
  3. Select the file C:\Program Files\Viewpoint\Viewpoint Media Player\Components\Atmosphere.dll (the path to the file may vary, depending on where you installed Viewpoint Media Player).
  4. Copy it to the plugins folder in the directory where you installed Mozilla. (Remember, copy it; don’t create a shortcut to it.)
  5. Start or restart Mozilla. Enjoy!

Mozilla should now use the Atmosphere plugin whenever it views a webpage with .aer files embedded into it.



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