Minh’s Notes Archives
Atmo for Moz
Well, I’ve finally gotten Adobe® Atmosphere™ to work inside of Mozilla, and I’m so happy. This means I can spend less time each day on Micro$haft Internal €xploder (sorry, couldn’t resist) and spend more time each day on my beloved Mozilla installation. If you use Mozilla and would like to get Atmosphere to work in it:
- Go to Start | Find | Files or Folders….
- Search for files named Atmosphere.dll.
- Select the file C:\Program Files\Viewpoint\Viewpoint Media Player\Components\Atmosphere.dll (the path to the file may vary, depending on where you installed Viewpoint Media Player).
- Copy it to the plugins folder in the directory where you installed Mozilla. (Remember, copy it; don’t create a shortcut to it.)
- Start or restart Mozilla. Enjoy!
Mozilla should now use the Atmosphere plugin whenever it views a webpage with .aer files embedded into it.