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Vietnamese Grammar / Văn Phạm Của Tiếng Việt

Vietnamese is very straightforward with respect to grammar: all sentences have the same syntax, and there is no inflection, conjugation, gender, number, person, or tense reflected in the verbs and nouns.

Articles / Điều Khoản

If you want to learn Vietnamese grammar easily, the articles listed below will help you on your way.

Sentence Structure / Cách Của Câu

Vietnamese is very straightforward with sentence structure: all sentences have the same syntax, and there is no inflection, conjugation, gender, number, person, or tense reflected in the verbs and nouns.

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Vietnamese Grammar / Văn Phạm Của Tiếng Việt

Vietnamese is very straightforward with respect to grammar: all sentences have the same syntax, and there is no inflection, conjugation, gender, number, person, or tense reflected in the verbs and nouns.

Articles / Điều Khoản

If you want to learn Vietnamese grammar easily, the articles listed below will help you on your way.

Sentence Structure / Cách Của Câu

Vietnamese is very straightforward with sentence structure: all sentences have the same syntax, and there is no inflection, conjugation, gender, number, person, or tense reflected in the verbs and nouns.

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Copyright © 2002 Minh Nguyen. Original design copyright © Eric A. Meyer.