Did you do well on that open notebook test? If not, here’s your extra credit reading assignment:
Brandon Dodd: My best friend, and his sparingly updated LiveJournal.
Alex Hunt: A friend from grade school, who features (negative) reviews of all his friends’ sites, including mine, on his website. We’re supposed to think it’s funny.
Josh Pendl: Enter random words here. Random sentences, too. … Josh is undoubtedly creative. Question is, is he feeling alright?
Brad Ruwe: Brad thinks he can draw. That’s why he set up a pitiful excuse for a comic. Good luck, Brad.
Fellow Bloggers
Brandon Dodd: My best friend, and his sparingly updated LiveJournal.
Eric Meyer: He’s the reason MingerWeb looks as good as it does — well, I hope it looks good.
Ian Hickson: A stickler on the importance of semantic markup and proper MIME filetype handling. This log makes good reading.
Joe Hewitt: I don’t link to this site because of the blog, per se, but because of the extremely elegant design and fascinating commenting system. The photos are also pretty good.
If you’re bored and looking for more, you can visit the MingerWeb LinkBlog.
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